he Role of Modeling Method of School Systems’ Staff and Administrators in Predicting Tehrani Female Students’ Religiosity
Tayyebeh Mohammadi Shoreh1 , Mehran Farajollahi * 2 |
1- M.A. in philosophy of education, Payame Noor University, South Tehran Branch. Iran 2- Professor of curriculum studies. Payame Noor University, South Tehran Branch. Iran. , farajollahim@yahoo.com |
Abstract: (5668 Views) |
The present study was carried out to investigate the role of modeling method of school systems’ staff and administrators [principals, vice-principals for extracurricular programs, and heavenly messages (Payamhay-e-Asemani) instructors] in predicting Tehrani female students’ religiosity. The research method was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of the study comprised high school girls in Tehran. The sample size was determined based on Krejcie and Morgan Table (1970) and 280 students were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling method. The instruments included Fazaeli’s Questionnaire on the Modeling Method of School Systems’ Staff and Administrators (2003) in three forms (principals, vice-principals for extracurricular programs, and heavenly messages instructors) as well as Religiosity Questionnaire (Shojaeezand, 2005) whose validity and reliability were confirmed by psychometric criteria. The obtained data were analyzed by using correlation coefficient and multiple regression. Results indicated that there was a significant, positive correlation between the modeling method of principals and heavenly messages instructors and students’ religiosity. Moreover, the modeling method of principals and religious teachings instructors could predict students’ religiosity. Furthermore, there was a relationship between the modeling method of vice-principals for extracurricular programs and students’ religiosity; nevertheless, results of regression analysis showed that the aforementioned modeling method did not have the power of predicting students’ religiosity. |
Keywords: religiosity, high school students, school systems’ staff and administrators (principals, vice-principals for extracurricular programs, and heavenly messages instructors), modeling method |
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Type of Study: Research |
Special- quantitative Received: 2017/02/28 | Revised: 2018/08/4 | Accepted: 2017/12/3 | Published: 2018/02/18 | ePublished: 2018/02/18
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