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:: Volume 4, Issue 4 (2019) ::
qaiie 2019, 4(4): 167-198 Back to browse issues page
Identifying and Explaining the Concept of Media Literacy and the Related Educational Goals with Emphasis on the Holy Quran
Zeinab Moheb-zade , Sayyid Mohammad Reza Imam Jom’a * 1, Ali Reza Assara , Farida Hamidi
1- , emamjomeh@sru.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4641 Views)
In today's society where the media play an active role in changing cultures, preparing students for active engagement with the media is one of the important tasks of the formal education system, which requires the development of a comprehensive media literacy curriculum. In this regard, the present study is a directed qualitative content- analysis that identifies and explains the educational goals of the ‘media literacy’ training program with emphasis on the Holy Quran.The statistical population of the study consisted of all verses of the Holy Quran, and the verse was considered as the sampling unit. Using targeted sampling method and Quranic Nur al-Anawar software, the keywords related to media and media literacy were searched for in the Quran, and the relevant verses were collected. The sentence was considered as the analysis unit. The compiled verses and sentences were categorized using components of media literacy, namely Access and Use, Analysis, Evaluation, Production and Active Treatment with media messages.Then, using coding of the sentences, the concept of media literacy and the related educational goals were identified from the Qur'an’s viewpoint. Based on the findings, in the selected verses, the components of Production, Evaluation, Active Treatment, Access and Use and Analysis have been given the most attention respectively. Totally,  sixteen general themes were extracted for five components of media literacy. Among the themes,  most attention has been paid to the characteristics of the messenger, the disadvantages of producing and publishing the message, the characteristics of the effective message and the importance of intellection respectively. Finally, according to the themes, twenty-two educational goals were proposed.
Keywords: the Holy Quran, media literacy, educational goals
Full-Text [PDF 356 kb]   (1193 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: special-Philosophical
Received: 2019/04/19 | Accepted: 2020/05/8 | Published: 2020/06/13 | ePublished: 2020/06/13
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Moheb-zade Z, Imam Jom’a S M R, Assara A R, Hamidi F. (2019). Identifying and Explaining the Concept of Media Literacy and the Related Educational Goals with Emphasis on the Holy Quran. qaiie. 4(4), 167-198. doi:10.29252/qaiie.4.4.167
URL: http://qaiie.ir/article-1-567-en.html

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