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:: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2018) ::
qaiie 2018, 3(1): 7-30 Back to browse issues page
Identifying Opportunities and Threats of Moral Education in High Schools from Teachers’ Perspective
Maryam Ansari * 1, Mohammad Sadegh MohseniPour2
1- Assistant Professor, of Philosophy of Education, Payame Noor University Isfahan Branch. Iran. , ansari.maryam@kh.isfpnu.ac.ir
2- M.A. in Philosophy of Education, Department of Education. Islamic Azad University Isfahan Branch. Iran.
Abstract:   (4475 Views)
The present research sought to identify opportunities and threats of moral education in high schools from teachers’ perspective in Rafsanjan. The research method of this descriptive study was survey. The population of the study comprised 215 high school teachers from among them 138 individuals were selected by using random sampling. The instrument included a self-devised questionnaire on opportunities and threats of moral education. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by experts and its internal consistency was confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha test. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive (frequency, percentage, and mean) and inferential (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and univariate t-test) statistics. Teachers examined the opportunities and threats of moral education from three angles, i.e., cognitive, affective, and behavioral domains. Accordingly, the opportunities of moral education are: a) cognitive domain: promoting students’ ability to analyze and evaluate moral concepts, values, and merits; and the use of effective educational practices by educators; b) affective domain: improving students’ emotional interaction with teachers and parents; c) behavioral domain: promoting inclination toward gaining moral values; and improving the practices of school principals, teachers, assistants, and parents. Furthermore, according to the results, from teachers’ viewpoint threats of moral education are: a) cognitive domain: poor performance of teachers, assistants, and institutions outside of the school; and the gap between educational institutions and the family with regard to moral education; b) affective domain: decline in positive and constructive emotional and moral interaction between students, members of the family, and teachers; c) behavioral domain: little attention to moral education; and placing too much emphasis on academic achievement.
Keywords: opportunities, threats, moral education, teachers and school system
Full-Text [PDF 5634 kb]   (1741 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special- quantitative
Received: 2018/02/7 | Revised: 2019/04/24 | Accepted: 2018/06/2 | Published: 2018/11/30 | ePublished: 2018/11/30
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Ansari M, MohseniPour M S. (2018). Identifying Opportunities and Threats of Moral Education in High Schools from Teachers’ Perspective . qaiie. 3(1), 7-30. doi:10.29252/qaiie.3.1.7
URL: http://qaiie.ir/article-1-168-en.html

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