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:: Volume 8, Issue 1 (2023) ::
qaiie 2023, 8(1): 129-155 Back to browse issues page
Holding congregational prayers in schools from the perspective of educational jurisprudence
Seyednaghi Mousavi *
farhangian University , snmosavi57@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1141 Views)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to conduct an ijtihad study on "holding congregational prayers in schools" and to deduce its ruling, as well as the rules of educational methods in this field and harmful methods.
Method: This research has used ijtihad method based on the methodology of knowledge of jurisprudence (and educational jurisprudence) to solve its problem and has inferred the desirability of congregational prayer and its useful and useless methods by referring to the Qur'an, tradition, intellect and jurisprudential rules. .
Findings: Studies show that holding congregational prayers is obligatory on school educational agents in terms of the general guidance duties of every Muslim and is obligatory as an agent of the Islamic government or a deputy / lawyer / reward of a Muslim family. It is also a legal obligation in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The methods of holding their prayers are doomed to rules and regulations, and one of the most important criteria is the condition of the possibility of the effect and sanctity of harm and misguidance in the choice of educational styles and methods. It is also not permissible to use severe coercion (forcing a teacher by deprivation of authority), severe coercion (forcing a teacher to threaten his life and reputation) and moderate reluctance (forcing a teacher to threaten to deprive him of his mandatory salary) in performing prayers. Also, if performing congregational prayers causes hatred of prayers or stabilizes hypocrisy and hypocrisy (in the long run), it is haram and obligatory for school administrators to replace the more useful methods based on accurate expertise.
Conclusion: This article showed that educational jurisprudence has a good capacity to extract the educational prescriptions of Islam in one issue (congregational prayer and related issues) and can be used in addition to philosophical, historical, comparative and experimental research in educational research. Come on. 
Keywords: School jurisprudence, teacher jurisprudence, compulsory education, devotional education, religious education.
Full-Text [PDF 518 kb]   (412 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: other
Received: 2023/03/4 | Revised: 2023/08/19 | Accepted: 2023/04/30 | ePublished ahead of print: 2023/05/5 | Published: 2023/08/19 | ePublished: 2023/08/19

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mousavi S. (2023). Holding congregational prayers in schools from the perspective of educational jurisprudence. qaiie. 8(1), 129-155. doi:10.52547/qaiie.8.1.129
URL: http://qaiie.ir/article-1-911-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 1 (2023) Back to browse issues page
نشریه مسائل کاربردی تعلیم و تربیت اسلامی Journal of Applied Issues in Islamic Education
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